
At ME Marketing Services, we have marketing promises (principles) we abide by in our work and with our clients.

  1. Treat each client with respect, understanding our working relationship is a partnership.
  2. We will always provide unique content and customized services, never duplicating content across clients.
  3. We will never post ‘fluff’ content on our clients behalf. If it does not help the business or relate to their goal, we won’t post it (i.e. First Day of Spring, Time Change, Happy Winter, etc.).
  4. We believe in building relationships, not only with our clients, but between our clients and their customers.
  5. We will not plagiarize content, or use images that we do not own the rights to or have permission to use.
  6. We will follow all rules of all platforms and publications and will not break them under any circumstance.
  7. We will not run “Share and Like” or “Share, Like, and Comment” contests on Facebook because it is a Terms of Service violation.
  8. We will be transparent so everyone is on the same page and knows what’s going on at all times.